Graduating high school and entering college during a pandemic was the last thing I would have expected for 2020! Starting my first semester of college online on Zoom was not always easy. In the beginning, I had days where it was hard for me to even get out of bed. But, 2020 taught me more about how to be independent, be resilient, and love myself than any other year has. Here are some tips on what got me through these rough pandemic days that led me to be productive and be my best self:
I know how hard it is not to, trust me. But, organizing and doing your tasks ahead of time brings so much ease to your daily life. So, how do I avoid procrastination? Well, read the next bullet point.
Personally, I’m not a big fan of planners, but it’s important to organize your school work, your job, and any other activities so you’re able to have everything planned out, which is less stress later on. I started using Notion, which is a really cool way to plan out your day and assignments on your laptop or any other device. But, it’s important that you organize whichever way is helpful for you.
Photo Via Notion
3. HAVE SELF-CARE DAYS. I try to take out almost a day a week where I don’t do any school work and I just focus on myself. This usually consists of me sleeping in, showering/doing an extensive skin routine, cleaning my room, watching my comfort movies, and most importantly JOURNALING. I love journaling, it’s something I do everyday and it’s really helped me reflect and just overall become a calmer person.
4. DON’T ISOLATE YOURSELF. I know how hard it is to see people right now, and it can make us feel very lonely. But, sitting in your room all day feeling bad for yourself isn’t the best way to handle it. Connection is important even if virtual. Facetime your friends and family, someone always wants to talk.
Overall, what has helped me most during this pandemic is putting myself first. These are definitely lonely times, but you have to understand that you are your best friend. You have to love yourself before anything else happens. I can confidently say that 2020 taught me resilience, independence, and self-love. I know you can do it too - keep your head up and bring positivity wherever you go.
Love, Sophia A.
Intern, Brown Girl Beauty
Sophia is a first year undergraduate student at Indiana University, where she studies Informatics.